If you have a question about Numa-Logic PC-100 or PC-110, NL-300 (card logic), PC-400 (bubble memory PLC), NL-500 (2-wire remote I/O system), PC-700 (bit slice PLC), PC-900, PC1100 (Z-80 based PLC), PC1200 (80188 based PLC), PC1250, HPPC1500 (bit slice CPU w/integral PS), HPPC1700 (bit slice CPU with separate PS) or the Westnet II Data Highway (2 Mbbs token passing network with guaranteed/isochronous update intervals), perhaps we can help to direct you to the right source. Send a request to dgloucks at gmail dot com.
Also, many of the old manuals, schematics and technical documents are available on paper but have not been scanned and placed on the web just yet. As we are able, they will be converted to PDF documents and placed on the web.
I've included some additional information in this Message Board
In the meantime, the documents that are available are contained below:
Numa Logic Communication Overview
Includes information on 6-byte protocol, Westnet II Data Highway RS-232 Asynchronous protocol, HPPC asynchronous advanced program loader (APL) protocol,
PC1100/1200 Local Area Network protocol, PC500 and PC2000 (Siemens) program loader port protocols
Numa-Logic Communication Overview (3.2 MB, 81 pages, scanned)
Numa-Logic Communication Appendix (2 MB, 69 pages, scanned)
NCMZ-1799 (also good for NCMZ-799)
Table of Contents (pages 1-4)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (pages 5-10)
Chapter 2 - Installation (pages 11-18)
Chapters 3 - Getting Started (pages 19-20), Chapter 4 - Entering a Program (pages 21-23), Chapter 5 - BASIC Variables (pages 24-26), Chapter 6 - BASIC Commands (pages 27-28)
Chapters 7 - BASIC Statements (pages 29-32) through GOSUB command of Chapter 8 - Alphabetic Function Description (33-43)
Chapter 8 - Alphabetic Function Description (44-66) continuing with GOTO to end of list
Appendix A - Editor, Appendix B - Memory Map, Appendix C Save / Load, Appendix D - Data Logging, Appendix E - Programming Examples, Appendix F - Ladder Access Programs
Appendix G - Serial Port Pinouts, Appendix H - Real Time Clock, Appendix I PROM Modifications, Appendix J - Troubleshooting
Appendix K - Application Notes, Appendix L - Modbus Emulation
Appendix R - Schematics
Numa-Logic PC100 / PC110 Programmable Controllers
PC100 and PC110 Information
NCMZ-798 hardware (preliminary 888 kB, 19 pages, scanned)
NCMZ-798 BASIC Interpreter Optional Firmware (preliminary 661 kB, 40 pages, scanned)
NCMZ-798 1100 LAN Optional Firmware (preliminary 1.3 MB, 44 pages, scanned)
NCMZ-798-11 Alarm Text Optional Firmware (preliminary 310 kB, 18 pages, scanned)
NCMZ-798-61 Radial Comm Optional Firmware (preliminary 466 kB, 16 pages, scanned)
NCMZ-798-91 Modbus Slave Optional Firmware (preliminary 356 kB, 11 pages, scanned)
Numa-Logic NL-300 (NL 3xx) Hardwired Card Logic
NL-3xx Information
Numa-Logic PC700 / PC900 / PC1100 Advanced Program Loader Manual
PC700/900/1100/1200/1250 Program Loader Manual (preliminary 19.9 MB, 84 pages, scanned)
Numa-Logic PC1100 / PC1200 / PC1250 Programmable Controllers
PC1100/1200/1250 Information
Programming Software for Numa-Logic PC 700, 900, 1100, 1200 and 1250 Programmable Controllers
NLSW-784 Programming Software
Numa-Logic HPPC 1500 / HPPC1700 / "Hippo"
HPPC Systems Manual (19.9 MB, 240 pages, scanned)
HPPC Systems Manual Supplement (53 MB, 235 pages, scanned)
HPPC Advanced Programming Manual (40 MB, 144 pages, scanned)
For more information, try the Message Board
Copyright Loucks Engineering Consultants, LLC 2025