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the tools you will need at this location include pkzip and/or adobe acrobat viewer.

ar16e30.zip adobe acrobat viewer for windows 3.1x. (3,729 kb)
ar32e30.zip adobe acrobat viewer for windows 95. (3,779 kb)
pkware.com visit the pkware web site to download pkzip and pkunzip.

some downloading hints:

  • most of the files on this site will utilize the pkzip software to make download easier. for programs that require installation setup disks, more than one file will require downloading. if, for instance, the software you want to download is comprised of three files named disk1.zip, disk2.zip, and disk3.zip, you will need to download each and unzip to three separate floppy disks.

    once unzipped to three separate floppys, take disk 1 and install from that disk as you would any normal software package.

  • pkzip is a compression software package that enables many files to be "zipped" into one file at a really good size reduction. if you are not familiar with this software or do not have it on your computer you can visit the pkware web site for information and free shareware.

  • once you download a zip file, recognizable because it will have a ".zip" extension, you will need to pkunzip the file. the format for the pkunzip program is usually pkunzip .

  • if you have any problems please select the "contact us" option from the menu to the left and email or call the advanced products support center.

happy downloading
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